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Neurobiologically Informed Trauma Therapy

Charlotte Harris Psychotherapist

Registered and accredited with both the BACP and HCPC, I am a psychodynamic psychotherapist, occupational therapist and ecotherapist with over 20 years experience working in the field of mental health. I am also recognised as a Certified Complex Trauma Practionner.  I am also a member of The Complex Truama Institute and, in Spain, La Asociación Aragonesa para la Investigación Psíquica del Niño y el Adolescente, (AAPIPNA).

I divide my time between my private practice and working for various EAPs based in the UK and Europe. I offer a bilingual service in both English and Spanish for adults and young people, online or face to face in Spain. I can support clients with a wide range of clients and presenting issues including PTSD, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem and difficulties with impulsivity and emotional regulation. The therapy I offer may be open-ended or short term therapy.  

My experience with clients over and again is that therapy has the potential for incredible healing, deep transformation and release from even the most intense suffering. I believe that the changes this interpersonal relationship can bring about serve as a foundational base for us to find a renewed sense of meaning in our lives that we may have lost sight of, or perhaps never even knew to begin with. 

If you would like to talk to me about your situation, I offer a free initial consultation so that you can shared with me a little more about your situation and ask me any questions you may have about the way I work. 



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