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It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found

D. W. Winnicott

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a traditional talking therapy that helps us to understand some of our difficulties in the current day to day of our lives by thinking about and connecting to all our previous experiences and relationships. The sorts of relationships, or attachments that we formed in our childhoods have a major influence over the ways in which we relate to ourselves and others as adults. Exploring how we react and respond to others in the present can enable us to gain insight into some of the patterns we may have of being in the world. Some patterns that developed as responses to adversity in the past may not be so helpful to us in the here and now of our lives.

There are many reasons why people choose to start on a therapy process and they usually can be understood in this way - that ways of being that served us or protected us in the past are no longer helpful in the present. Some people have had really, really bad things happen to them and they felt helpless and had no way out at the the time and find themselves suffering from Trauma or PTSD as the effects of these events may remain ever-present making it impossible for the person to create a safe and stable life. Often with trauma we "forget" what happened to us and are unable to recall events themselves mentally, although we have a strong body memory that feels like constant worry, danger and disaster about to strike. Or perhaps we have become physically numb and feel as if we are floating through life, not quite feeling anything meaningful at all. 

Psychodynamic psychotherapy can be helpful for: 

Difficulties at work
Difficulties in relationships
Difficulty regulating emotion

Eating Disorders
Imposter Syndrome
Mood Swings
Panic Attacks
Self-harm and suicidal ideation
Substance Misuse / Addictions


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